Saturday, October 2, 2010

In Our Classroom (original circular poem)

                  In Our Classroom...

       In our classroom 
       we have 
       a multitude of brilliant minds...

       Inside those brilliant minds 
       are stored a vast number of 
       real, true life stories...

       In each of our real, true life stories 
       are hidden 
       an amazing array of insights and thoughts...

       Thinking through the amazing array of insights  
       and thoughts, 
       we recall a spectacular amount of 
       facts, feelings, and opinions...

       Within those facts, feelings, and opinions 
       we again discover 
       not yet developed story ideas...

       We take our newly discovered, 
       yet-to-be developed story ideas 
       and write them with  
       beginnings, middles, and ends...  

       In our freshly organized writings, 
       with beginnings, middles and ends, 
       we expand them using a myriad of
       fascinating details...

       From the myriad of fascinating details 
       in our freshly organized writings, 
       will spring the   
       juiciest of words...

       Using the juiciest of words 
       in our real writing stories, 
       we continue to make the stories our own by  
       pouring in our 
       personal voice. 
       Using our own personal voice 
       to make the stories compelling,
       We craft our stories so they 
       fluidly flow 
       Crafting our stories to fluidly flow
       We marvel at our ability to bring
       vibrant, unique life to our writing... 

       The vibrant, unique life 
       now evident in our real writing stories,
       exists because...

       In our classroom 
       we have 
       a multitude of brilliant minds...

                                                                  Robert A.

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