Saturday, October 2, 2010

Many, Many Memories

 Many, Many Memories

What is a young writer’s most important possession?  Is it a computer?  Is it pen and paper?  Perhaps it’s a great book about writing?  

It is none of the above !  Your memories are the most important thing  you as a writer own.  Here’s the good news....You have more memories than you will ever know what to do with...You will never run out of memories.  Just when you think you have remembered everything you have ever thought, done, planned on, hoped for, experienced, heard, tasted, felt, yada, yada, yada, up pops a whole bunch more memories you forgot were up there....
in your mind that is !

Pay close attention to your FEELINGS, both past and present.  Describe your FEELINGS as you think about them.

As you try to remember the DETAILS of a memory, try describing the PLACE you were at that is connected to this memory.

Drawings and Doodlings can sometimes help you RECALL a memory.
         (Adapted from Ralph Fletcher’s Real Writing model)


  1. Robert-so excited to see you blogging-I have always loved your ideas over at Realwritingteachers. You've already shared so much-can't wait to get updates in my Googlereader from you.

  2. Totally love this entry!

    Cherylle in CA

  3. Hi,
    I'm the first to comment here! Great blog! I love the Ralph Fletcher:)

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